In what’s already being called the newest iconic moment in anime history, Luffy’s “Gear 5” was shown off for the first time in One Piece Episode 1071. While the episode itself also featured the five elders providing backstory about the “Gum-Gum Fruit”, and the conclusion to Orochi vs. Komurasaki, the main focus was the reveal of “Gear 5” (pronounced gear 5th for some reason). The next stage of the Luffy vs. Kaido fight promises to be as comedic as it will be entertaining based on the snapshot we all got to see in this episode. Also for the first time in forever, One Piece featured a new ending theme, “Raise” by Chilli Beans.

What will happen on the next episode of One Piece? When will the rumored new opening song come out? And how long will this fight go on for? Stay tuned to for the next episode of One Piece!

“I can hear the drums of liberation!” Zunesha

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